X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)


X-Ray Diffraction method (XRD)

X-Ray Diffraction method (XRD), the uniqueness of each crystal phase. It is based on the principle that X-rays are refracted in a characteristic order, depending on their atomic arrangement. Qualitative examinations of crystalline materials are made with the XRD device. The device is suitable for powder or bulk sample analysis. The device has a copper (Cu) x-ray source, state-of-the-art optics, sample holders and a CERN patented XRD detector (PIXcel 1D) system with pixel technology.



Scope of application

·        Identifying minerals and rocks in geology

·        In metal and alloy analysis

·        In the ceramic and cement industry

·        In the analysis of polymers

·        medicine in the detection of polymorphs and impurities in a certain material in the industry

In archeology, in the determination of the materials that make up the historical buildings

X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) Device

Analysis Descriptions Form (.pdf )
Toz veya levha örnekler ----------------------- Instrument Form
Toz veya levha örnekler ----------------------- Instrument Form
Faz Analizi ----------------------- Instrument Form

Sample Results


IP Phone : 0(236) 201 26 15 - 16

e-Mail: cbudefam@cbu.edu.tr

Mehmet İsmail KATI

IP Phone : 0(236) 201 26 23

e-Mail : mehmetismailkati@gmail.com